
by The Missional Movement



The Missional Movement is called to this mission: To walk with each individual as they journey through this incredible adventure of becoming an integrated-self in Christ. Please explore the different learning tracks, programs, courses, and teachings that serve as a starting off point where we will learn and grow together. Humans create [a] culture. The arche to this culture is the individual. If the individual as a microcosm becomes integrated in Christ, the culture inevitably becomes the macro-cosmic revelation of the Kingdom of God here on earth, apropos to the Lord’s Prayer — “Thy Kingdom come … here on earth!” This process of integration within the individual is not simplistic. Every individual needs a revelation of his or her own ‘egyptomania’—which is their unconscious state of bondage! Once the bondage is revealed, the desire to get out of it and make it to the ‘promised land’ is birthed. Typical Christian discipleship for over 1800 years has endeavored to lead individuals out of this ‘bondage’ and into the promised land, but for the most part ignored a pivotal stage in this process of sanctification. The wilderness! The ‘process of death’! As Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “When Christ calls a man He bids him to ‘come and die’!” One cannot exit their ‘Egypt’ and get to the promised land without first entering the ‘desert’! One cannot celebrate ‘Easter’ without there first being a ‘Good Friday’ in each soul. A death of self that has been in bondage. And then comes ‘Saturday’ — the ‘desert’! This is where the shedding away of the past takes place. The process of death, if you may. A painful yet necessary process that takes place in the matrix of the liminal space! Once this process is given it’s due time, the individual is now ready to enter their ‘promised land’! There needs to be a life, death & resurrection! An orientation, a dis-orientation and then a re-orientation! Order, chaos and then a re-order! A thesis, antithesis and then a synthesis! All sages of the past understood this germane process of awakening & spiritual enlightenment, and it’s no different with the Christian in this regard. Christ embodied this for us by way of His own life, death & a resurrection.